Clip Studio Ex

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by jqim3
Since there's a sale going on, I want to either get Paint pro or paint EX. But as a beginner artist who wants to get into animation/manga in the near future, should I start with Pro or EX? Is there a difference? As i tried the free trial, it recommended Pro for illustration and EX for animation/manga. Does that mean I can't animate or make panels in Pro? And that I can't make normal illustrations on EX? I'm not sure and would like to know what the best investment would be for me!

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5 palabras que aprendiste de tu rutina diaria. Updated date : 1year ago

  • Jqim3, my friend..
    The 'Ex' version is just a version in which you have more function than the 'Pro' version, like animating and manage multiple pages for your comics.
    Because the 'Ex' version cost more they reccomend you to buy the 'Pro' version if you're just an illustrator who want to draw and nothing else.
    If you want to make CSP your main workhorse and you are sure about that buy the 'Ex' version. If you just want to try the program buy the 'Pro' version and see how do you find yourself with the program.
    You can buy the 'Ex' version later at a discounted price. ^ ^ ---> English version.
    • English
  • Message
    1year ago
    Thank you very much!! Your advice was very helpful
    • English
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